If you are considering applying for Social Security in Chicago, there are a few things you might want to keep in mind. Though hundreds of people are injured and put on Social Security every day, even greater numbers are denied those rights due to some kind of complication or another. In order to guarantee you have the best shot of qualifying for SSD benefits, make sure you fall into both of the following categories.

Injured Severely

If you have incurred some pretty serious injuries that prevent you from working a normal job any longer, you are on your way to being eligible for Social Security in Chicago. However, these injuries cannot just be temporary or commonplace. You must have undergone something so bad that you can no longer function properly in the average work environment. Obviously, if you broke an arm or something that will heal with time, you do not have the proper grounds to apply for benefits. Most times, people who do receive these rights are older individuals who have been hurt so badly that they are paralyzed, crippled, or otherwise extremely limited in mobility. These people will almost always take precedence over younger people with less serious injuries.

American Citizen

A second thing you need if you want to get Social Security in Chicago is that you must be a legal citizen of America. There are good reasons for this rule, seeing as illegal aliens should no be here in the first place, much less taking advantage of provisions that the government makes available for those in need. You will need to provide proof of your citizenship as well as some kinds of identification to whomever you speak when you go to apply for your benefits. If you fail to do so, you will be denied your rights and not allowed to be on Social Security in Chicago or anywhere else.

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